Mappillai Samba Rice Nutrition
Mappillai Samba Rice Nutrition

Mappillai Samba Rice, often hailed as the traditional red rice of Tamil Nadu, India, is a unique variety known for its robust flavor and numerous health benefits. This heirloom rice, with its distinctive red hue, is not only a staple in local cuisine but is also gaining popularity across the globe for its nutritional content

karuppu kavuni rice nutrition
karuppu kavuni rice nutrition

Karuppu Kavuni Rice also known as black rice and Forbidden black rice is an indigenous rice variety. It is popularly used in southern India and a few other countries like China, Korea, and Thailand. Karuppu Kavuni Rice is widely popular for its exceptional health benefits, Karuppu Kavuni rice is filled with Dietary Fiber, Protein, Vitamins,

Karuppu Kavuni Rice During Pregnancy
Karuppu Kavuni Rice During Pregnancy

Karuppu Kavuni Rice Also Known As Black Rice And Karuppu Kavuni Arisi Is Popularly Known For Its Unique Characteristics And Historical Significance. It Is A Famous Native Rice Variety in Southeast Asian Countries Like India, China, Thailand, And Korea. Karuppu Kavuni Rice is so popular for its prolific medicinal Benefits. From the Ancient Chinese emperors

Mappillai Samba Rice Benefits
Mappillai Samba Rice Benefits

Preserved for centuries in the rich agricultural history of Tamil Nadu and Southern India, Maapillai Samba Rice also known as Maapillai Samba Arisi is one of the most popular rice varieties of Tamil Nadu. Mappillai samba also has a unique name “Bride Groom Rice”, Which has an interesting historical significance and interesting stories behind it.

Karuppu Kavuni Rice Benefits
Karuppu Kavuni Rice Benefits

Among all the traditional native rice varieties, karuppu kavuni rice holds a special place. It is also known as karuppu kavuni arisi, and forbidden black rice. Believed to have originated from Tamil Nadu, India, it is widely popular among Southeast Asian countries like India, China, and Thailand. Though researchers are still discovering the exact origin

Thanga Samba Rice Benefits
Thanga Samba Rice Benefits

Originating in the state of Tamil Nadu in South India, Thanga samba rice holds a special place among all the other traditional rice varieties, It is popularly known for its unique grain Colour, smell, and medicinal benefits. Unlike most of the normal rice varieties grains, Thanga samba rice has distinctive Golden colour grains which makes

Reasons why you should choose organic
Reasons why you should choose organic

The National Academy of Sciences reports that 90% of the chemicals applied to foods have not been tested for long-term health effects before being deemed “safe.” Further, the FDA tests only 1% of foods for pesticide residue.

Kavuni rice | The forbidden treasure
Kavuni rice | The forbidden treasure

Did you know that the usage of indigenous rice varieties is the new cool? If not, read this and discover how the consumption of traditional rice varieties can change your life! Cool facts on indigenous rice varieties! Well done!

Magic Millets
Magic Millets

We are very excited to introduce another healthy family of grains to you!They are none other than the “Magic Millets”! Mrs. Krithiga’s story – “I would like to share a story that happened in my life.

My Rebirth & My Mission
My Rebirth & My Mission

Last week, I made a promise to everyone about sharing with you, the art of sustainable living. Here I am, to start with the story of … MY REBIRTH AND MY MISSION before we discuss the details in our series THE ART OF SUSTAINABLE LIVING This is Krithiga Prabakaran, the founder of Organic Positive. I am on a mission

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