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Buffalo Ghee Benefits
Buffalo Ghee Benefits

Buffalo ghee is a traditional clarified butter that has been an essential part of many cuisines and medicinal practices in South Asia for centuries. Known for its rich taste and high nutritional content, buffalo ghee offers a myriad of health benefits. This blog explores the various advantages of incorporating buffalo ghee into your diet and

Rajamudi Rice Benefits
Rajamudi Rice Benefits

Rajamudi rice, once favoured in the royal kitchens of the Wodeyar dynasty, now graces the tables of those seeking a healthier option in their daily meals. Predominantly cultivated in Karnataka, India, this unique variety of rice is not just a source of nourishment but also a rich repository of cultural heritage and health benefits. This

Reasons why you should choose organic
Reasons why you should choose organic

The National Academy of Sciences reports that 90% of the chemicals applied to foods have not been tested for long-term health effects before being deemed “safe.” Further, the FDA tests only 1% of foods for pesticide residue.

Kavuni rice | The forbidden treasure
Kavuni rice | The forbidden treasure

Did you know that the usage of indigenous rice varieties is the new cool? If not, read this and discover how the consumption of traditional rice varieties can change your life! Cool facts on indigenous rice varieties! Well done!

Magic Millets
Magic Millets

We are very excited to introduce another healthy family of grains to you!They are none other than the “Magic Millets”! Mrs. Krithiga’s story – “I would like to share a story that happened in my life.

My Rebirth & My Mission
My Rebirth & My Mission

Last week, I made a promise to everyone about sharing with you, the art of sustainable living. Here I am, to start with the story of … MY REBIRTH AND MY MISSION before we discuss the details in our series THE ART OF SUSTAINABLE LIVING This is Krithiga Prabakaran, the founder of Organic Positive. I am on a mission

Introducing Native Rice Varieties … [ Contd. ]
Introducing Native Rice Varieties … [ Contd. ]

Hello there! This is your Krithiga Prabhakaran from Organic Positive. Festivities were and are around the corner and We, at Organic Positive, have personally had the satisfaction of making delicious and healthy delicacies for many of my beloved customers and their families for this season.  Thank you all for your immense confidence, trust in our Products and

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